Auto Rickshaws – Lord of the roads!!!!!

These are three wheeled taxi known by different names in India- autos, rickshaws, scooters, ricks or even tuc tucs. Hence they have the identity crisis.
It is originated as a modified version from a two-seater rickshaw pulled by a bicycle in front (human powered). Auto Rickshaws are the motorized version of bicycle rickshaw and on steroids!!!!
They are the most popular modes of transport and are easier to find anywhere by simply raising hand screaming Rickshaw or Auto!!
This 3 wheeled motor is a metal cabin covered tightly with plastic sheet on top, sides left open with no doors, no seat belts. Though the ‘ricks’ are 3+1 seater carries iron rods, gas cylinders and also passengers crammed with max number of people three times its weight.
While autos have meters, the “auto-wallahs” will refuse to turn it on. Even if he does put on then there is no guarantee that meter is not tampered. Hence for both the cases, one should have the bargaining skills to negotiate the amount or get the idea of the fare to the destination from a local person, to save the money in his pocket.
With no seat belts, no door’s, riding in an Auto is adventurous and scary like any other adventure sports. It is a roller coaster ride on the ground with no definite track. This 3-wheeler runs mostly on a mixture of petrol and kerosene zipping past other vehicles with much higher speeds and leaving them a huge cloud of smoke. They manage to whisk effortlessly through the impossible traffic jams, disobeying the traffic rules by driving on the wrong side of the road, and without lights at night. They zig-zag through the traffic, unafraid of the bigger vehicles or pedestrians, driving into slightest gap between the larger vehicles so much so that the sight of a lorry wheel literally a few centimeters from your face is an experience.
Auto rickshaws carrying school children are amazing with numerous calculations coming into picture. The children are packed until some children are not in contact with the vehicle at all, suspended. The school bags are pushed and hung near the doors of the vehicle until every microscopic gap is filled in so that even minor collisions with other vehicles do not cause any damage.
A ride through the city in this tuc-tuc is an experience on its own, with the loud music from the special speakers mounted on the back seats, the wind blowing through your hair, whistling in your ears, the city opening itself to u which no other vehicles provide. In fact auto-wallahs are the best guides in the town
Despite of violent curves which rearrange the internal organs, the destination is always reached!!!!

